Completed in 2002, the strategy guided the management and development of the Selkirk’s historic waterfront downtown district.
Selkirk Waterfront Redevelopment Strategy, completed in 2002, guided the management and development of the City’s historic waterfront downtown district.
The City of Selkirk’s dream of revitalizing its historic “Port Roots” was made possible by the extraordinary commitment of numerous volunteers and the leadership of its City Council. The planning and organization of the project has been spearheaded by the City’s Waterfront Development Corporation. Established by Council, the Development Corporation oversaw the transformation of the Selkirk waterfront and wharf area.
One of the keys to the downtown waterfront’s renewal was the community’s support for a special levy to raise $800,000. The significance of the community’s financial commitment was instrumental in raising awareness among other levels of government and private sector to the importance of the waterfront in Selkirk and the region’s future. Achieving Selkirk’s downtown vision began with negotiations, managed by Lombard North Group, which concluded in the transfer of the Wharf to the community from Transport Canada. This event was followed by the community’s approval of a special property tax levy earmarked for the waterfront, which further raised the profile of the project and attracted $2,056,000 from other levels of government, NGOs and the private sector. Funding partners included the Canada-Manitoba Economic Development Agreement, Manitoba Inter-Governmental Affairs, Transport Canada and Manitoba Hydro.
Lombard North Group managed the public consultation process, established funding strategies, built key funding partnerships, developed the overall concept of the waterfront master plan and managed construction.
The project was completed in the summer of 2003 and features multi-leveled plaza spaces, a terraced amphitheater and stage area, a wharf promenade complete with kiosks spaces and universal access. Port Selkirk Waterfront was officially inaugurated on Canada Day, July 1st, 2003. The Waterfront is used as the primary staging area for outdoor concerts and served as the main entertainment venue for 2003 Western Canada Summer Games.