Design support for the East Dike Expansion and design of Tourond Creek, a complete mixed-use community for St. Adolphe.
St. Adolphe is a small village resting on the east bank of the Red River, located approximately 17 km south of the City of Winnipeg. The St. Adolphe East Dike Expansion Project is an earthworks project that includes the design and construction of an addition to the existing community ring dike. This project will expand the flood-protected area of St. Adolphe, allowing for future flood-protected development, in addition to increasing the flood protection level for the entire community from a 1-in-100-year flood to 1-in-200-year flood. Representing the St. Adolphe Land Development Co., Lombard North Group has worked closely with the Province of Manitoba and Rural Municipality of Ritchot to provide dike design support, including the overall alignment and modified dike cross-sections for the dike addition.
LNG has also provided the overall design of the proposed community of Tourond Creek, which will be located within the new flood-protected area. The community of Tourond Creek will include a mix of housing types, a central green corridor with trails connecting the existing community of St. Adolphe, a large, multi-use park, and naturalized stormwater retention ponds. Construction for the first phase of development is slated to commence in fall 2016.